18th Biennial Meeting

The 18th Biennial Meeting of the International Association of Shin Buddhist Studies

Self-Benefit and Benefit for Others in Pure Land Buddhism


June 30 – July 2, 2017
Musashino University, Tokyo, Japan

Please visit the conference website for complete information.


  • Date: Friday, June 30 (2:00PM)— Sunday, July 2 (1:30PM), 2017.
  • 曜日:2017年6月30日(金)14:00~ 7月2日(日)13:30
  • Place: Musashino University (Musashino Campus)
  • 会場: 武蔵野大学武蔵野 武蔵野キャンパス

Theme: “Self-Benefit and Benefit for Others in Pure Land Buddhism”

Keynote speaker: Prof. Fumihiko SUEKI (Professor Emeritus, University of Tokyo and International Research Center of Japanese Studies)
基調講演者: 末木文美士 教授(東京大学名誉教授、国際日本文化研究センター名誉教授)

For Presenters/発表要項
Paper Proposal Deadline: January 15, 2017 (newly-set deadline)
Download and fill the “Proposal Application form” bellow, and send it to the Contact email address.
a) Title of paper
b) A summary of 100-150 words.
Proposal Application form

発表題目提出締切: 2017年1月15日(改定)
1) 発表の題名
2) 要旨500字程度
Language for paper presentation: English or Japanese
発表言語: 英語、又は日本語
Full Paper Submission Deadline: May 31, 2017
完成稿提出締切: 2017年5月31日
Send them to/提出先:
Contact email address/大会連絡メールアドレス: 18iasbs@musashino-u.ac.jp

Hotel & Assistance/宿泊・助成
Hotel: Participants are expected to make their own arrangement. However, registrants can apply for free rooming at a local Shinshu temple as part of financial assistance. (See bellow)
Financial Assistance: You must fill out an application for each:
A) Younger scholars (39 years old and under) presenting papers may apply for
limited travel grant. Apply at the time of registering for the conference.
B) For All Conference Registrants: Financial Assistance will take the form of
free housing. There is no age limit with priority given to those presenting
papers. (See bellow)
* Apply at the time of registering for the conference.

1) 旅費の助成金:39才以下の若手発表者の助成金(申請必要)
2) 真宗寺院での無料宿泊:全大会参加登録者対象(申請必要,下記参照)
※ 助成金申請は大会参加登録と同時に提出してください。

Free housing:
At a local Shinshu temple near Musashino University. (Collective sleeping in futons in large tatami-mat rooms in Ryokan style; there is kitchen access for preparing one’s own meals; 30 minutes to and from the university by train and bus; communal bath and toilet; you may stay up to 7 days)
Eifukuji Temple: 2-45-1 Tamacho, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-0002

受入寺院: 永福寺(〒183-0002 東京都府中市多磨町2−45−1)