Welcome to the International Association of
Shin Buddhist Studies

Join an international community of scholars
20th Biennial Meeting
September 28 & 29, 2024 | Ryukoku University | Kyoto – Japan
The Pure Land
Journal of the IASBS
About US
The International Association of Shin Buddhist Studies (IASBS) was founded in 1982 with the objective of developing Shin and Pure Land Buddhist Studies and facilitating exchange of views and information among its members. It is the only worldwide organization focused on Jōdo Shinshū and Pure Land Buddhist studies.
Members are scholars and academics, priests and laypersons affiliated with the Jōdo, Jōdo Shinshū, and other Pure Land Buddhist traditions as well as scholars with an interest in Buddhist studies and religious studies more generally. The IASBS welcomes participation of those with wide range of interests and specialization within and beyond Pure Land Buddhism.
Members are scholars and academics, priests and laypersons affiliated with the Jōdo, Jōdo Shinshū, and other Pure Land Buddhist traditions as well as scholars with an interest in Buddhist studies and religious studies more generally. The IASBS welcomes participation of those with wide range of interests and specialization within and beyond Pure Land Buddhism.

AAR2024 Panel: Pacific World at 100: Women in American Buddhism
September 20, 2024 / Uncategorized / by Jake C
Pacific World at 100: Women in American BuddhismSAVE THE DATE: Friday, November 22, 2024, 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM Omni Hotel 675 L St. San Diego, CA 92101 Grand C (Fourth Floor) For more information on the annual meeting, please visit the AAR’s website and online program. This event is being generously supported by the Institute of Buddhist Suites and…AAR2021 Panel: The Eastern Buddhist Society: Past and Future
June 14, 2021 / Uncategorized / by Scott Mitchell
Note: More information on this event is forthcoming, pending developments at the AAR, San Antonio, Japan, and the ongoing covid-19 situation. IASBS at the AAR Panel in Commemoration of the Hundredth Anniversary of the Founding of the Eastern Buddhist Society Panel Title: The Eastern Buddhist Society: Past and Future Panel Abstract: The Eastern Buddhist Society was founded in 1921 by…AAR2020 NA Panel: “Other Power” in Indian, Chinese, Korean and Japanese Buddhism
October 1, 2020 / Uncategorized / by Scott Mitchell
This event was recorded. Video of this panel is available on the University of British Columbia's website here: https://buddhism.arts.ubc.ca/2021/01/27/video-other-power-in-buddhism-with-qa/ Due to the ongoing coronavirus situation, the American Academy of Religion's annual meeting, originally scheduled to be held in Boston, has been moved to an entirely online or virtual format. Please see the the AAR website for additional information. Accordingly, the…