19th Biennial Meeting

The 19th Biennial Meeting of the International Association of Shin Buddhist Studies

Buddhist Meditative Traditions and Contemporary Pure Land Thought



May 24 — May 26, 2019
Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts, New Taipei City, Taiwan

A detailed program and conference web page are forthcoming. Please check this site for updates.

Contact email address/大会連絡メール:  2019iasbs@gmail.com

Call for Papers

Paper Proposal Deadline:
February 15, 2019 /2019年2月15日

How to apply:
Please fill the attached “Paper Proposal Application Form” and send it to the Contact email address.

1) Title of paper
2) A summary of 100-150 words

Language for presentation:
English, Japanese, or Chinese Mandarin

Full Paper Submission Deadline:
April 24th, 2019


Dharma Drum Sangha University kindly provides hotel rooms on campus (single rooms and double rooms) with three meals by very reasonable rate. Meals are all vegetarian foods. The University locates about 20 minutes from Jinshan town where has several hotels that serve hot spring bath although the traffic is a bit inconvenient. We will provide further information soon.


For Registration

Please fill out the attached “Conference Registration Form” and send it to the Contact email address by April 31st, 2019 and pay the registration fee ($20 or ¥2,000) at the registration table of Dharma Drum Sangh University in Taiwan.

The banquet will be hold in the evening of May 25th. Please check the column of the registration form whether you wish to attend to it or not.

Send them to:
Contact email address/大会連絡メールアドレス:2019iasbs@gmail.com

Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts/ 法鼓文理学院

Address: 700 Fagu Rd. Jinshan District, New Taipei City, Taiwan